Addressing WordPress 4.9.4 Update and Vulnerabilities

Posted on by Libby White | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you run WordPress sites on a dedicated or VPS server, you likely know it is critical to make sure that your software is up to date. In fact, you may have automatic updates enabled, so your site updates as soon as WordPress updates are available.  If you are running WordPress sites on a Liquid Web product such as our Storm VPS or Dedicated servers, please read on. This article contains critical information for you regarding WordPress 4.9.4 updates and action is required.


For customers on our Managed WordPress or Managed WooCommerce Hosting platforms, we’ll make sure your WordPress install is automatically updated; you do not need to take any action.

WordPress 4.9.4 is now available and addresses a bug in 4.9.3, which will cause automatic updates from WordPress 4.9.3 to fail. This means your site needs to be manually updated to 4.9.4.

Fortunately, updating your WordPress install is pretty simple (We do suggest that you take a site backup before updating, as with any software update.)

  1. Log into your WordPress admin page ( Once logged in you should see a prompt in the WordPress dashboard, as shown below:wordpress admin dashboard update section
  2. Click on the Please update now text, which will take you to the WordPress Updates page. You can also click on DashboardUpdates, where you will be taken to the same WordPress Updates Page.wordpress update home page, click update now
  3. Click the Update Now button. The WordPress update will run, and after it completes, you’ll see the page below:wordpress 4.9.4 updated successfully

As always, our Helpful Human Support team is standing by to assist you with any questions or concerns, just open a chat, ticket, or call us and we’ll be ready. You can also find more information about this maintenance release on the site.

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About the Author: Libby White

Former technical writer for Liquid Web. When Libby is not writing for work, she spends time learning more about digital & technical writing, web development, hanging with her family, and taking photographs with her Nikon. Always learning, always growing, never stopping.

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