Tag: SaaS

Reading Time: 5 minutes


As firms advance towards a more modern infrastructure, the Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) model is becoming an increasingly popular cloud-based system. Desktop-as-a-Service is a multi-tenant, cloud computing solution in which a service provider furnishes a virtual desktop to an end-user over the internet. A provider typically manages the infrastructure, including the security updates, available desktop applications, data storage, and backups. In specific instances, DaaS users manage these services individually. According to Gartner via Workspot:

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Reading Time: 8 minutes


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Businesses looking to establish themselves online have numerous options. They can not only choose the providers, but the service they wish to receive. Cloud computing has become an extremely popular hosting method due to flexibility in price, features, and support/management. Within the concept of cloud computing, you are typically presented with three distinct categories of services offered: 

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Evaluating Single-Tenant vs. Multi-Tenant Software

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Today, we will be discussing the differences between Single Tenant and Multi-Tenant hosted software. In the overall scheme of SaaS delivery models, the meaning of “Tenant” is specifically utilized to denote a “customer”. So, in essence, when we say Single Tenant or Multi-Tenant, we are stating Single customer, or Multi-customer SaaS hosted software. 

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