Tag: management

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Running your first webserver can be daunting. Even if you are familiar with running a cPanel account, there is much to learn regarding Web Host Manager (WHM). The first step to successfully running WHM is creating a cPanel account.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Perhaps a particular domain on your cPanel server has stopped receiving e-mail. Or, an address on your domain is able to receive e-mail, except from your supplier. Maybe you can receive e-mail just fine, but are receiving error message bounce-backs from Yahoo. How are you going to get the fine-grained information you need to figure out just what is going on?

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Domain Name System, or DNS, is a complex system to understand, but cPanel has simplified the administration of DNS by adding it to the WHM interface. One of the most common tasks involved with administrating DNS is updating an A record. A records are one of the most common DNS entries, and cPanel makes updating them easy.
This article assumes that you are running BIND on a Linux server, that you already have an understanding of what DNS is, the different types of DNS entries, and how DNS works. Please note: The incorrect editing of your zone file can take your site offline. All editing must be done on the authoritative nameservers for the given domain.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

If Apache fails, and will not successfully start again, check the error log. If you see an error similar to the following, it could indicate that your server has run out of semaphores.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is part 4 in an ongoing series on WordPress. Please see Part 1: WordPress Tutorial 1: Installation Setup and Part 2: WordPress Tutorial 2: Terminology and Part 3: WordPress Tutorial 3: How to Install a New Plugin, Theme, or Widget.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is part 3 in an ongoing series on WordPress. Please see Part 1: WordPress Tutorial 1: Installation Setup and Part 2: WordPress Tutorial 2: Terminology and Part 4: WordPress Tutorial 4: Recommended WordPress Plugins. Please note that this guide is primarily intended for customers utilizing a Linux server running cPanel. If you do not have a Linux server with cPanel please see the documentation at wordpress.org for further assistance.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our monitoring team is on site every hour of every day keeping an eye on your server. Using manage, you can check your monitoring status as well as make changes to the server’s monitoring settings.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Now that you know how to SSH into your server it is important to familiarize yourself with some basic command line tools.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

The largest and most powerful packages that are offered by Liquid Web are the Dedicated Server Packages. These servers are the alternative to our fully managed VPS servers. The cost of these packages varies based on the specifications of the server, any additional add-ons, and how much bandwidth is needed.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

One of the more common management tasks performed on web servers is restarting services (such as your web server daemon, mail daemon, FTP server, or DNS service).

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