Tag: Firewall

Reading Time: 13 minutes

What is ClickHouse?


ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented DBMS (or database management system) primarily used for OLAP (or the Online Analytical Processing of queries). It is capable of blazing fast generation of real-time analytical data and reporting utilizing SQL queries. It is fault tolerant, scalable, highly reliable and contains a feature rich tool set.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

While there are many ways to make sure your server is as secure as possible, there are some basic steps that we can take to increase security. Users with a Linux server can change their SSH port to something other than the SSH default port (22). The steps listed below outline how to change SSH port numbers and enable the change.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Zero Trust Security?

Zero Trust security is the concept, methodology, and threat model that assumes no user, system, or service operating within a secured internal environment should be automatically trusted. It put forward that every interaction must be verified when trying to connect to a system before being granted access. This concept uses micro-segmentation, and granular edge controls based on user rights, application access levels, service usage, and relation to the location to determine whether to trust a user, machine, or application seeking to access a specific part of an organization.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

In this tutorial, we will look at several methods that are used to compromise a website. In today's world, websites use multiple procedures that represent the core functions of a modern business. Whether you have an eCommerce site or a business card site, a website is essential for driving business growth. We can safely state that a website is a unique image of your respective business. 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is the easiest and most common method for managing a Windows server. Included in all versions of Windows server and has a built-in client on all Windows desktops. There are also free applications available for Macintosh and Linux based desktops. Unfortunately, because it is so widely used, RDP is also the target of a large number of brute force attacks on the server. Malicious users will use compromised computers to attempt to connect to your server using RDP. Even if the attack is unsuccessful in guessing your administrator password, just the flood of attempted connections can cause instability and other performance issues on your server. Fortunately, there are some approaches you can use to minimize your exposure to these types of attacks.

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How to Install Apache on a Windows Server

Posted on by Justin Palmer | Updated:
Reading Time: 5 minutes

When looking to host websites or services from a Windows server, there are several options to consider. It is worth reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of each server type to determine which one is most likely to meet your particular needs before you spend the time installing and configuring a web service.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is OpenSSH?

OpenSSH logo

OpenSSH is an open-source utility developed by The OpenBSD Project. SSH stands for "Secure SHell." This service encrypts traffic on both ends, eliminating security risks from hackers or eavesdroppers. It can be used for remote operations like file transfers and offers key-based passwordless authentication. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to harness the power of SSH's on your Windows server to send basic remote commands and transfer files using password authentication.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is Wildfly?

WildFly is a Java runtime application server and software management platform implemented in Java. It is primarily used to provision Java applications and services on a Java-based platform. It is currently developed by Red Hat as open-source software (apart from the community forums) and was better-known as JBoss AS previously. While the WildFly software remains open-source, paid support can be purchased from RedHat if needed. RedHat continues to implement a separate version of this software under the JBoss EAP name.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes


In this tutorial, our objective is to install WildFly on an unmanaged CentOS 7 server. WildFly is a managed application runtime server and Java software platform used to provision Java applications and services. It is an open-source software which is consistently being improved by its user community. While the WildFly software remains open-source, if paid support is needed, it is provided by Red Hat who currently develops the software (apart from the community forums). Some may be more familiar with WildFly's previous name, which was JBoss AS. RedHat continues to develop its version of this software under the JBoss EAP name.

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