Tag: eCommerce

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Do you run a web store on Shopify (or BigCommerce) and wish you had more control over things? Maybe you wish you had more Payment options on your shop, more Staff accounts, or a more straight forward shop building experience. No matter what the cause, moving to a WooCommerce based shop can give you more control and flexibility over your store. Migrating your store can be a huge headache though, so how do you get that job done?

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

If you process credit cards on a website, your site needs to be in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. (This is abbreviated as PCI DSS, and even more often referred to simply as PCI.) PCI compliance certifies that your organization takes all necessary steps to protect sensitive customer data and provides a set of standards for your infrastructure and server setup. While Liquid Web does not offer full PCI compliance certification, we do offer a separate service that scans your server to see that PCI DSS requirements are met, a great tool during the compliance process.

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