Category: Tutorials

The Liquid Web knowledgebase provides information on thousands of topics surrounding every aspect of hosting, Linux, Windows, and countless other article types that help boost your Liquid Web experience!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tux the Penguin with Hotpatching (KernelCare)The concept of ‘Kernel hotpatching’, sometimes called live patching, was introduced to the Linux community around 2008. Soon after groups began developing differing implementations of the concept. KernelCare, one of the more popular implementations, was originally released in March 2014 by Cloud Linux, Inc.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Adjusting account bandwidth limits in WHM is very similar to the process used when editing an account in WHM. While you can adjust bandwidth limits via multiple locations, it’s usually best to use the modify account page. Changing the settings and limits of a cPanel account from WHM is a simple process and only takes a few moments.

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Troubleshooting email in WHM

Posted on by David Singer
Category: Tutorials | Tags: cPanel, Email, WHM
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this article we will go over the process used to investigate Email delivery issues on a WHM server. This can be helpful when a user is having issues receiving or sending Emails. The Mail Troubleshooter tool provided in WHM works by tracing the route an Email would take when sent to the provided Email address.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Changing the password of a cPanel account from WHM is a simple process and only takes a few moments. When a user forgets their cPanel password they will be unable to access their account. This article will cover the reset process for only the main cPanel passwords. Any other cPanel related credentials (eMail, FTP, etc) will still have the same passwords and access.

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Enabling DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Category: Tutorials | Tags: dkim, DNS, Email
Reading Time: 5 minutes

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a way to attach an encrypted digital signature to emails sent by your domain/server. Similar to adding an SPF record to your server, DKIM help to prevent email spoofing.

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Where Is My DNS Hosted?

Posted on by David Singer
Category: Tutorials | Tags: DNS, Linux, whois
Reading Time: 2 minutes

From time to time, you’ll have to make changes to your DNS records. For example, if you change IP addresses, your DNS A records will change. You’ll also change DNS if you want to add SPF records to help email authentication. For these changes to work properly, it’s vital to know where DNS is hosted.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

When maintaining a WordPress site you may find yourself attempting things that normally would work and find that they have unexpected results. This is usually due to how WordPress’ default .htaccess rules manipulate the configurations and provide ‘pretty permalinks’.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

When it comes to importing Emails on to a cPanel based server, using Webmail is the easiest method. Currently cPanel-based servers offer three different webmail interfaces [Horde, Squirrel Mail, and RoundCube] for viewing and managing email accounts without the need to setup an email client. This tutorial will focus on how to import emails from your server by utilizing the Horde Webmail interface.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

When it comes to exporting Emails on a cPanel based server using Webmail is the easiest method. Currently, cPanel-based servers offer three different webmail interfaces [Horde, Squirrel Mail, and RoundCube] for viewing and managing email accounts. Using a webmail client allows you access to your Emails without the need to setup an email client. This tutorial will focus on how to export emails from your server by utilizing the Horde Webmail interface.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

With the release of EasyApache 4 in WHM 58 there are various changes to how PHP is managed. The most obvious being that EasyApache 4 brings support for installing multiple PHP versions alongside each other. However with multiple versions of PHP being installed on the server it’s easy to lose track of your command-line based PHP utilities and their PHP requirements.

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