Category: Tutorials

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Setting Up Your Liquid Web Server in WHMCS

Posted on by Chris White | Updated:
Reading Time: 4 minutes
  1. Log in to your WHMCS Admin dashboard
  2. Navigate to Setup -> Products/Services -> Servers
    Setup -> Products/Services -> Servers
  3. If this is your first server in WHMCS, you will not see any servers or groups.
    1. You can create a group if you would like to add future servers to the group at a later date. The benefit of this is to have multiple servers to distribute clients. You can always add this at a later time.
    2. Select “Add New Server”
      Add New Server
  4. Adding Your Server
    Adding Your Server

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Using Conda for Alternate Python Installations

Posted on by Jason Gillman | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Let’s be honest: Most of the time, the Python version included with a Linux distro isn’t the newest. For example, at the time of this writing, the version of Python 2 included with our CentOS 7 VPS server Cloud images is 2.7.5, and Python 3 isn’t even available out of the box. For reference (again, at the time of this writing), the latest versions are 2.7.14 and 3.6.4 respectively.

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Using Object Storage for cPanel Backups

Posted on by Ronald Caldwell | Updated:
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Keeping backups of your cPanel data is a best practice and something often overlooked. Liquid Web offers multiple ways to backup your data, from using your on-server storage to off-server solutions. One such solution is using Object Storage for cPanel backups.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

PhpMyAdmin is a user-friendly graphical interface to interact with MySQL/MariaDB and is a cornerstone of any web hosting environment. Because of this, it is also a commonly exploited part of the server and should be connected to with https://. If you have not yet installed an SSL on your domain, its good idea to do so for security with PhpMyAdmin.

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Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in Ubuntu 16.04

Posted on by Helpful Humans of Liquid Web | Updated:
Category: Tutorials | Tags: SSL, Ubuntu
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This guide will walk you through the steps to create a Certificate Signing Request, (CSR for short.) SSL certificates are the industry-standard means of securing web traffic to and from your server, and the first step to getting your own SSL is to generate a CSR. This guide is written specifically for Ubuntu 16.04.

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Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in CentOS

Posted on by Helpful Humans of Liquid Web | Updated:
Category: Tutorials | Tags: CentOS 7, SSL
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This guide will walk you through the steps to create a Certificate Signing Request, (CSR for short.) SSL certificates are the industry-standard means of securing web traffic to and from your server, and the first step to getting your own SSL is to generate a CSR. This guide is written specifically for CentOS 7.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Systemd is an init system used by several common Linux Distributions which has gained popularity since 2015. A Linux init system is the first process or daemon started on a system after the initial boot process, and manages services, daemons, and other system processes. Systemd is composed of unit files that contain the initialization instructions for the daemons which it controls. While many portions of a system can be managed with systemd, this article will focus on managing services.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Phusion Passenger is a web application server that can run Ruby, Node.js, and Python applications on your web server. It integrates with both Apache and Nginx to serve content to your visitors. Historically, this application was difficult to integrate with cPanel servers, which would combine the power of Ruby applications with the ease of management that cPanel provides, but recent advancements make setting up your Passenger module very simple on both a VPS server as well as a dedicated server. This easy walkthrough will show you how to add Passenger, Apache mod_passenger, and the supporting Ruby installation to cPanel.

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Viewing and managing orders in WooCommerce

Posted on by Dan Pock | Updated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute

You’ve set up your products, your store is live, and the orders are coming in, just like you had hoped. But where can you see your orders within your dashboard? After all, setting up your online store is just one half of this journey – fulfilling orders is the other half!

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Building Product Variations in WooCommerce

Posted on by Dan Pock | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Let’s say you have an WooCommerce shop where you sell varying types of trinkets and knickknacks. Maybe you have a fantastic glove collection and want to start selling them. So you’ve got a handful of products built in the store and things are going smooth.

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