Category: Tutorials

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What is Folding at Home?

Posted on by Jackie Cowan | Updated:
Category: Tutorials | Tags: Folding at Home
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Originating at Stanford University in 2000, Folding at Home (also known as Folding@Home, FAH, and F@H) is a distributed computing project created for disease research. Computers on various operating systems are networked together, forming a virtual supercomputer to run protein folding simulation work units. Once a work unit is completed, it is uploaded to the FAH server.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

OpenStack is an open-source platform used primarily for managing the hardware, storage, and network setup of your cloud environments through a web browser dashboard or a command line. In addition to management of your cloud, you can also build and deploy your instances. 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

The world we live in today is a mesh of connected devices and individuals. Everything around us has access to wireless networks and the Internet at large. We have begun to take advantage of this ever-present networking and connectivity to create an Internet of Things (IoT) using everyday items and devices. Cars, coffee makers, alarm clocks, and even writing instruments have upgraded to include connectivity options. These IoT devices provide us with data about our environment, homes, and daily activities and help us improve our lives by better understanding and using the information they provide.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

System administrators use several devices for managing their server environments. For example, Mac users who work in their native Unix environment are familiar with using the terminal to SSH into their Linux-based servers. However, when using a Mac to log into a Windows environment, the task is different. 

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What is MobX?

Posted on by Ronald Caldwell
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Web application developers are often looking for effective ways of managing state in their applications. State management is an essential part of developing JavaScript (JS) applications, especially React and React Native applications. MobX is one of the many tools available to React developers for state management.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Zero Day Vulnerabilities

The zero day vulnerability is a type of hardware or software flaw for which no patch or mitigation is available. The original creators of the product are unaware of a vulnerability, so they will have known about the issue for zero days when one such vulnerability is exploited and brought to their attention.

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What is cPanel?

Posted on by Nelson Alba | Updated:
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The name cPanel is short for Control Panel and was developed by cPanel, LLC. cPanel is a web hosting control panel that lets you manage your domains and their files from a graphical user interface (GUI) and controls emails, databases, FTP (file transfer protocol), metrics, and much more.  In short, it lets you interact with different system services that your website needs to operate in an uncomplicated and user-friendly way that everyone can understand. 

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Cybersecurity is at the forefront of every conversation for web professionals, agencies, and the companies that host them. User data proves valuable, and attackers are doing everything possible to access it for their gain. As a result, it is increasingly advantageous to detect vulnerabilities and threats and deal with them proactively by implementing an intrusion prevention system (IPS).

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Minecraft is a sandbox/adventure game that challenges you to survive and explore an infinite world that you can modify at will. Just a few years after launching in 2009, Minecraft exploded in popularity, eventually becoming the highest-selling game of all time at 200 million copies.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

A symbolic link, also known as a soft link or symlink, is a special file pointing to another file or directory using an absolute or relative path. Symbolic links are similar to shortcuts in Windows and are useful when you need quick access to files or folders with long paths.

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